Gl-mt3000 v4.1.2 beta : quectel eg25-g with external USB enclosure

Old Quectel modems, e.g. EC20, EC25, EP06, EG25-G should work just fine.

On the brume 2 or beryl ax ? Didn’t work on my beryl ax test unit as mentioned in my original post

Will try again later

Both of them should be able to work. Our engineers have found the root cause of EG-25G not working. Please wait for the method we provide later to verify whether it can work normally.

Do you use any enclosure for rm520n-gl ?

Only found this design so far

I didn’t use any enclosure.

You can use this command (gl_modem -B 1-1 AT AT+QGMR)to check the firmware version of the modem

This module does not support raw IP mode. You can try to modify it, and then re-plug your module and dial it up.


still stuck at connecting

Maybe you can update the firmware of the modem

Attachment size limit, please wait

Can you give me your email, I will send it to your email

I sent by pm, thanks.

Thanks lincoln for patiently assisting

updated eg25-g firmware and can now auto setup data connection on beryl ax

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Further thing to report

The USB modem doesn’t stay connected to mt3000 after around half - 1 hour, internet also become very unresponsive or totally stopped, screenshot show that modem totally gone from the modem page

I also checked by connecting the modem to axt1800, can stay connected whole night till morning

Check if the node exists

Check after the modem disappears from gl ui?

Yes, it looks like the module is powered off

Happened 1 hours 4 minutes after router up

It is estimated that the AT command has no response