GL-MT300A flashing openwrt-mt300a-2.263.bin after openwrt-mt300a-tor-2.264.bin

I flashed openwrt-mt300a-tor-2.264.bin which seemed to work fine, but I wanted to return to openwrt-mt300a-2.263.bin, so I flashed that.

Now, I get this message when I go to

No page is registered at ‘/webpanel/homepage’.
If this url belongs to an extension, make sure it is properly installed.
If the extension was recently installed, try removing the /tmp/luci-indexcache file.

I tried resetting the device, but it did fix it. Any suggestions? Thanks!


This is a browser cache problem. It redirect you to old link which doesn’t exit any more.

You are right, now I am redirected to

But, I want the user interface I had before flashing the tor firmware back. How do I do that?

Flashing either openwrt-mt300a-2.263.bin or openwrt-gl-mt300a-clean-2.264.bin seem to do that.