GL-MT300N-V2 Acces distant

Le 04/01/2023

I am French with little experience in network and IT management

I have a GL.iNet Mango GL-MT300N-V2 bridge and a Huawei E8372h-820 4G dongle
I have two devices connected in a local network
Voir annexe1

IP address given by the site mon-ip…com"
Voir annexe 2

Subject of my request:
From an external connection, with the domain name made available to me by GlINET xxxxx.glddns…com I want to join my two remote devices

Premier problème :
Why my 4G key is detected as “sharing” and not as “3G/4G modem” and this can affect my second problem
Voir annexe 3

Second problem:
I activated 1-DDNS 2-http and 3-https remote access
When I do the DNNS test the following screen appears

When I do the test “nslookup xxxxxxx.glddns…com” as stated in the documentation

The message received is as follows and seems correct (I find the same IP address as the Mo-
Voir annexe 4

When I click on the “DDNS” icon, the domain’s web page fails to come up on the screen.
My questions are:
-How to remove the error “router is behind NAT”
-Is it the Huawei key that generates the NAT fault
-I am waiting for any proposal to connect to my two devices remotely

Waiting for an answer


Je suis français avec peu d’expérience en gestionnaire de réseau et informatique
Je possède un pont GL.iNet Mango GL-MT300N-V2 et une clé 4G Huawei E8372h-820
J’ai deux équipements connecté en réseau local
Annexe 1
Objet de ma demande:
Depuis une connexion extérieure, avec le nom de domaine mis à ma disposition par GlINET je veux joindre mes deux équipements distants
-Premier problème:
Pourquoi ma clé 4G est détectée comme “partage” et non comme “modem3G/4G” et cela peut il affecter mon deuxième problème
Annexe 2
-Deuxième problème :
J’ai activé l’accès a distance 1-DDNS 2-http et 3-https
Lorsque je fais le test DNNS l’écran suivant apparait

Le message reçu est le suivant et parait correct (Je retrouve la même adresse IP que le site Mo-Ip .Com :
Annexe 4
Lorsque je clique sur l’icône « DDNS » la page web du domaine n’arrive pas à monter à l’écran.
Mes questions sont :
-Comment supprimer l’erreur « routeur est derrière NAT »
-Est-ce la clé Huawei qui génère le défaut de NAT
-Je suis en attente de toute proposition pour me connecter a mes deux équipements a distance
Dans l’attente d’une réponse

What is the IP address displayed in the Internet page for “partage”?
4G modems don’t usually get the public IP…

Your screenshot is not clear. Can you give clearer images?

Hauwei modem works as hilink (hostless) mode and they worka as tethering. That is normal.

I also need to make sure the huawei does not give 192.168.8.x which conflict with the router. So I need clearer images.

Then what do you want to use the router for? As you are using it behind Huawei, which is carrier network, you cannot use it as servers. So DDNS is also not useful.

Here is the screenshot displayed in the web page
Voici la recopie d’écran affiché dans la page internet

Thank you for your reply

Which router screenshot do you want to see?
Quelle recopie d’écran du routeur voulez vous voir?
want to access my two devices behind my router from remote access (my smartphone or my pc) with a domain name if possible
Je veux accéder à mes deux équipements qui se trouvent derrière mon routeur depuis un accès à distance (mon smartphone ou mon pc) avec si possible un nom de domaine
In your answer, you say that the dns is not useful in case of using the Huawei key,
Can you tell me which option I should go to
Dans votre réponse, vous dites que le dns n’est pas utile en cas d’utilisation de la clé Huawei, Pouvez vous m’indiquer vers quelle option je dois me diriger
Thanks for the first response
Ci joint recopie d’ecran


Can you give me the screenshot of the Internet status page of the GL router.

In order to access devices connected to GL router, e.g. raspberrypi, you may need solution. It is developed by us to access the router behind firewalls.

Obviously your GL router is not getting a public IP. is your operator’s public IP, not your router’s.
Simply said, the NAT is built by your operator. There is no way to fix this issue, so it is not possible to use DDNS via the USB Modem, please try another solution.

Also, the IP provided by the Huawei E8372h-820 to the GL router is 192.168.8.x. This conflicts with the default LAN IP of the GL router. Please change it in More Settings → LAN IP.

Thank you for your reply
Concerning the ip Lan address of Gl inet; I had already changed the default address
Attached is the screenshot

I have noted that the DDNS solution with my current key is not valid.
Which solution is available:
-Change the 4G modem key
_@alzhao offers me a solution with, I am currently looking for information on this solution
_Can you suggest me another solution?

Thank you once again for your answers which allow me to move forward on my project.

Attached is the screenshot of the internet status

avec luci

Status system

According to @yuxin.zou I don’t have a public address.

I am in the process of studying your poropsition with
Is the Freetrial solution permanent or limited in time?
Is it limited in data (If yes, what happens at the end of the data)

In the “Pay-as-you-go” version, payment is always made in dollars or can be made in euros.
what happens after having used the 5 GB for example for the first contract

I have a router with an Rpi and an Ipx800. I need to join them from two smartphones and a pc connected to the web.
What is the config that I need
Config Free Trial
Max. 1 Domains
Max. 5 Agents
Max. 2 links
This configuration is sufficient?

Thanks for your next answers.

I think you should try AstroRelay.
It has no time limit, but you need to pay for the data traffic.