GL-MT300N-V2 Mango -Lost DLNA access with ugrade, which Plug-In do I need

Hi - I have just upgraded GL-MT300N-V2 Mango firmware and lost media file sharing. I have read that I need to install a plug in or do something in LUCI; I am a bit of a novice so please can someone direct me to the correct plug in or give me a detailed breakdown of what to do with Luci - thanks

From what version did you upgrade to that version?

Hi, I have gone from v. 3.216 to v. 4.3.7

hi - anyone…? assuming someone else will have this issue and been over 2 wks since original post GL.iNet Staff…

DLNA needs a lot of space.

You need to use exroot to extend the storage first, then install these packages.