How to install nas functions manually

Limited flash storage space and CPU limitations, we have removed the built-in Network Storage function from some model.

You can continue to use this feature by manually installing some plugins.
Before installation, ensure that the router has at least 20 MB free flash space.

opkg update

opkg install gl-sdk4-webdav gl-sdk4-nas-exfat gl-sdk4-nas-utils gl-sdk4-nas-web gl-sdk4-ui-nasview samba4-server samba4-libs samba4-utils minidlna blkid kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-fs-ntfs kmod-fs-vfat kmod-fs-exfat kmod-usb-storage-uas ntfs-3g ntfs-3g-utils dosfstools  e2fsprogs shadow-common shadow-useradd
  1. Which models?
  2. Why not have a script that optionally kicks off an ExRoot install if the user plugs in a USB drive/Transflash card similar to how it is done w/ LuCI not being included by default?

It does not work with the ar750s and the firmware 4.3.7. The system becomes very unstable.

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That’s why it was removed.

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Than you should call the 4.3.7 a downgrade.

  • This version firmware does NOT include the following features:
    • File Sharing
    • Captive Portal
    • Automatic Upgrade
    • RS485
    • GPS
    • Mesh


  • Added Scheduled Tasks feature.
  • Added Overview page to display system loading and set LED.
  • Added Multi-WAN feature, allowing users to switch between failover and load balancing modes.
  • Added Drop-in Gateway feature.

Good functions are gone, schickimicki has come.

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One would think the Slate (GL-AR750S) would outperform the Certa (GL-AR750). It’s not like this sorta stuff can’t be scripted, GL.

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If you just install the Samba plugins and set the access rights and firewall manually, then everything works perfectly.
I don’t know why the support-team doesn’t get this integrated properly. (AR750S)


Guess it’s not about integration but about resources. Samba can be very memory and CPU hungry, so it might keep the device unstable.


Will this installation work on Opal and Mudi?

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@radishman and @alzhao i am interested in this question too. Will it work on my E750v2?

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Just give it a try. Should work on all 4.x devices.

i used the command listed above. The result: >

Collected errors:

  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package gl-sdk4-webdav.
  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package gl-sdk4-nas-exfat.
  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package gl-sdk4-nas-utils.
  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package gl-sdk4-nas-web.
  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package gl-sdk4-ui-nasview.

How do i setup the USB drive so i can access it? The documentation only show pictures from the GUI, which was removed on my router (SFT 1200)

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Does anyone have an idea how to do file sharing with a 4.x firmware? Or does anyone know a download link for the last 3.x version where this was still available in the GUI?

I can tell you where to download the 3.x firmware, but I don't recommend a downgrade, based at your knowledge from the last two posts.

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Thank you very much for your answer.
I just need a device that works and has the features advertised at the time. No offence to the developers, but it can't be that features are taken and then no foolproof alternative is offered.

For my use case, it's a core function that I've been missing since the update.

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This is understandable and GL will bring back some file sharing feature in future versions. There will be WebDAV only on the low-performance devices.

So right now downgrading is the fastest and best way to get file sharing back.

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Thank you for the response.
I know my user group is perhaps very small, but Samba or FTP is essential for us. We use the routers to connect PLCs, robots and production systems so that several developers can access them simultaneously. Thanks to the file sharing option, we can run automated backups and all have permanent access to them. It's maybe 50MB of data traffic spread over the whole day but it saves us a lot of time.

FTP should be no problem to add manually using opkg