I have the most recent stock firmware for GL-MT6000. 802.11r fast roaming is support if we use Luci GUI? Because I tried to find it under the interface options and is not there. I also uninstall and install wpad with GUI, but the option for fast roaming is not appearing.
I know if install openwtr it will appear... But with glinet FW is it possible?
Many thanks.
Yes is there.
Do you know is this version is more or less stable? Since is not final release but release candidate, or some update will come in the future?
Thanks onde more.
This version is a little older than openwrts main github branch, the main branch is all snapshot with openwrt.
though GL-iNet has their own versioning of it
I would say stable for most of the things, afaik this version also has the fixes for the annoying multicast crash / certain packet length crash, but roaming i have not tested yet , it only misses a few updates to the wifi mt76 driver but i don't think it affects performance that much.
One more clarification if possible, I have installed FW v4.6.6-op24. And seems ok.
I miss something, VPN Policies, is not present in this version? it disappear? or I cannot see it?
From documentation seems some routers at old FW 3.X version have VPN policies option.
Last is it possible to take a backup of all config, and apply it after a reset or FW installation?
I must say thank you, I reset again with firmware and used the backup and is ok.
Adguard have a strange behavior when displaying the query's... It's like all the query's come from: (localhost),
Shouldn't be possible see what client (ip) execute the query?
I'm also running into this issue where I want to enable fast roaming, but I've found the glinet 4.6.8 firmware does not have the option.
I want to confirm what the difference is between 4.6.8 in "Stable" and 4.6.6-op24 in "OpenWRT24". Is this still the same glinet firmware, so it will continue to support the VPN / addblock and glinet specific things? If so, I'm also wondering why there isn't a 4.6.6 "Stable" tab. It goes from 4.6.4 to 4.6.8.
Alternatively, is 802.11.r available at all in the 4.6.8 firmware? I.e. could it be enabled by editing a config file or using uci in the command line?
This option is here under the advanced settings -> click the link, then login with user root and password same as gl ui -> navigate to network -> wireless -> edit the wireless network -> wlan roaming
^ also see @bruce post if you scroll a bit above he has a screenshot to it.
however it is not inside the gl ui, that is normal
Hmm i gonna be honest with you on this one because it is complicated and while gl-inet may choose to make op24 stable or beta at some point this is still more focused about their gl sdk than openwrt base.
In openwrt terms the 24 base is still picked from the main branch, this is highly snapshot although openwrts times for stable releases can often take about 6 months or a year, currently since about a month they finally got releases but i don't think the gl firmware is now based on these releases yet, i wonder if they plan to use these releases as base.
There are many times when a snapshot looks stable and there gl-inet branches off to build the sdk4 from, the stable wording is often referenced/focused to gl sdk and doesn't always follow the OpenWrt release system (though with that said this can be changed due to stable releases by OpenWrt this month).
So you have two things: OpenWrt and the GL sdk 4.x which is the custom scripting and ui around OpenWrt.
it keeps support for adblock and vpn.
If it is the same firmware?
This is hard to awnser, the gl sdk may has fixed or made subtile changes this can sometimes add new issues but also fix them the gl sdk4 is still in beta too if you read more about their plans, for openwrt this can also introduce new issues but in normal circumstances going higher on openwrts base is more stable ( i compile openwrt myself without gl source ;-), only issues i encountered at present are: some minor apk package manager issues, and dnsmasq.d problems )
One of the things in later OpenWrt firmware which are fixed:
multicast / certain packet length crash on wifi is fixed (was a firmware bug in the calibration data)
the mtk-soc time-out and a couple of mtk-soc crashes are addressed (though im not entirely sure for this one if it is fully fixed or that it still needs to be merged it surely have some commits merged for this for sure).
In @bruce's post they say to use op24, which is not what I have. So it makes sense it isn't on my router running 4.6.8.
But based on what you're saying the OpenWRT 24 4.6.6-op24 firmware will keep the gl interface with adblock support, so I guess I'll try flashing that firmware and hope that my network keeps working.
Finally got around to this. At this point the 4.7.0-op24 firmware was released, so I used that, and I confirmed that it now does give me the option to enable 802.11r fast transition in a WLAN roaming tab.