As the title of the topic suggests, I’m looking to use a Poynting 5G-XPOL-1-V2-41 antenna ( with GL-X3000 router, but having trouble figuring out how to connect it correctly. The antenna is 4x4 MIMO and has two pairs of cables, which are labelled:
Cell1 Main & Cell 1 AUX/DIV
Cell 2 Main & Cell 2 AUX/DIV
The router, on the other hand, has the following antenna labels:
Could someone tell me where I can find the necessary information or what the cables’ pairing should be?
I’ve looked through the GL-X3000’s documentation, datasheet, etc, but couldn’t find the answer.
The antenna connections goes to the Quectel RM520N-GL modem antenna ports.
Antenna 1 on router connects to modem ANT0
Antenna 2 on router connects to modem ANT1
Antenna 3 on router connects to modem ANT2
Antenna 4 on router connects to modem ANT3