GL-X3000 APN settings revert upon power cycle

I am trying to use the GL-X3000 router with an AT&T USA SIM in the SIM 1 slot. It is the only SIM in the router.

I set the APN settings with a profile I made prior to inserting the SIM. After I inserted the SIM, I loaded this profile.

It works well, but every time I disconnect and reconnect it from power, it loses the APN settings and reverts to “agms”. Reboots seem to work OK, this only appears to happen when the power is cycled.

I have tried to enter the APN settings in Manual Setup instead, but the result is the same. I would appreciate any suggestions.

Firmware version: Version 4.0 - 0406release1

Relevant system log:
Tue Feb 20 15:26:24 2024 daemon.notice netifd: modem_0001 (11768): [02-20_15:26:18:761] requestGetSIMStatus SIMStatus: SIM_READY
Tue Feb 20 15:26:24 2024 daemon.notice netifd: modem_0001 (11768): [02-20_15:26:18:765] requestGetProfile[1] nrbroadband///0/IPV4V6
Tue Feb 20 15:26:24 2024 daemon.notice netifd: modem_0001 (11768): [02-20_15:26:18:765] requestSetProfile[1] agms///0/IPV4V6
Tue Feb 20 15:26:24 2024 daemon.notice netifd: modem_0001 (11768): [02-20_15:26:18:787] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 310, MNC: 410, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA
Tue Feb 20 15:26:24 2024 daemon.notice netifd: modem_0001 (11768): [02-20_15:26:18:791] requestQueryDataCall IPv4ConnectionStatus: DISCONNECTED
Tue Feb 20 15:26:24 2024 daemon.notice netifd: modem_0001 (11768): [02-20_15:26:18:795] requestQueryDataCall IPv6ConnectionStatus: DISCONNECTED
Tue Feb 20 15:26:24 2024 daemon.notice netifd: modem_0001 (11768): [02-20_15:26:19:036] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe

I have shared this router with “gl.inet_support” on GoodCloud America.

Thank you all for your time.