I use a GL-XE3000 and recently activated and configured AdGuard Home.
It works fine, I see the blocked and allowed request.
But when I edit the filters, either through the log or via the text intput field,
I experience a high load on the router.
I see a load up to 15, in top I see AdGuard Home with 50% CPU usage,
the admin GUI of the router times out and the internet traffic is getting lost for my clients.
I waited about 10 minutes, but the router keeps busy.
I switched it off and on again, everything works fine, the new filter config is set and everything works again.
Do you have any hints how to troubleshoot further?
My filter is about 15 entries long and it even appears corretly in /etc/AdGuardHome/config.yaml
Thanks in advance
Hey Frank,
try to upgrade AdGuard Home to the newest available version before further troubleshooting:
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