GL-XE3000 doesn't register SIM-card

HI there,
I just bought a GL-XE3000 for using it with my SIM-Card for 5G-usage. the SIM-card worked flawlessly within my Mudi (v1)-modem, where it connected happily with it’s connectivity Provider (German) Telekom.

On the new model I only receive “SIM card not registered”. I can switch the SIM back to my Mudi-Router and I get good LTE-connection, so there is no locking on the SIM-card itself. I tried the SIM card within my iPhone 12 Max and it was able to connect with an 5G-Connection, so the plan supports LTE.

what can I do to locate the problem? on luck I see that the modem has an unsupported protocol type, but there is no luci-proto-Package offered. I do not know whether this is needed.

Admin Panel Version is 4.0, latest firmware installed, Kernel version 5.4.211. OpenWRT is 21.02.SNAPSHOT r15812+879-46b6ee7ffc.

best regards, Hanno

I think yesterday we pushed 4.4.8. Can you check if you have updated to this version?

Also try upgrade the firmware of the modem. Check this post GL-X3000NR - NO 5G connection for TMO? - #5 by CyberBobbert

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that was a fast response - thanks! I’ll try the new firmware and the mentioned update of the modem and report back :wink:

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I updated the firmware to 4.4.8 and I upgraded the firmware of the modem Unfortunately, I still get the message “SIM card not registered”.
while updating I said to not remember any configuration on that device, so I had a restore of default values. when I inserted the SIM now, apparently the Telekom-Profile got recognized and their profile is used (QCM, internet.telekom). But still the card can not be used.
when I try to scan for a tower, I see an LTE tower (262-02 32AB902). Which is interesting since my iPhone sees 5G, not only LTE.

When I use an AT Command for receiving the Signal Quality (AT+CSQ) I receive:

+CSCQ: 99,99






+COPS: 0


How about this one GL-X3000 Spitz AX - 15 Mbit/s with 5G - #28 by EricG

Try this

thanks for the hint. Unfortunately, that didn’t help either.
Even open the bands and select Nan LTE and NSA bands didn’t help

Interestingly enough, I only see half of the screen you all seem to see. I’ll try to upload a screenshot:

Can I see it remotely?
Technical Support via GoodCloud.tar (192 KB)

I sent you a message with the credentials, thanks for your help!

Hi, I have the same problem. Is there a solution for it?

first of all: check that all antennas are not only visible but connected to the router. second of all, the support checked the device and whatever they did, it worked well after their check. Maybe it was a configuration tweaking which will come with the next release...

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Hi, I have the same problem - picking up LTE only, running the latest firmware on both the router and built-in qualtec modem and on top had local telco check on their side that all is well with 5G. Please help as have run out of ideas...

I had issues with being unable to connect to 5g and at times the router would state that it was unable to register the SIM with the network. There was very little stability with the connection.

My solution was changing the network port from PCIe to USB. Others have stated that this would slow the connection speed. I get 200 Mbps using a VPN (wireguard) and a DNS filter. But most importanty, I now have stability using this method. The router is using 4.4.13 firmware. .

Switch the modem network port between PCIe and USB interfaces:
1. Connect to the AT commands (/dev/ttyUSB2) port using
e.g. minicom: minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB2
2. Check the current modem mode with 'AT+QCFG="data_interface"':
  - 0,0 indicates that the network port uses the USB interface
  - 1,0 indicates that the network port uses the PCIe interface
3. Switch the active interface with:
  - 'AT+QCFG="data_interface",0,0' to use the USB interface
  - 'AT+QCFG="data_interface",1,0' to use the PCIe interface
4. Reboot

thanks @Firesign , but unfortunately did not work... When changed to USB interface modem would not even connect to LTE as before... would go to 'connecting' and then time out... thanks

Does the issue still exist? If it exists, please SSH into the device, execute the following AT command, and provide me with the return value

 gl_modem -B 0001:01:00.0 AT  AT+QNETRC?


Thanks @Javon_ma , as if something happened over the weekend, I am now seeing speeds comparable to my test Pixel phone sitting next to the router. The result of the modem command first showed 'NO CARRIER', but then after executing only AT+QNETRC? returend
+QNETRC: "emm_cause",0
+QNETRC: "esm_cause",0
+QNETRC: "5gmm_cause",0

However, under ‘Cells info’ in the admin console it is showing connection only to LTE FDD, band 28, with no mention of 5G whatsoever (now showing 4G+ next to provider name – where previously was showing 5g NSA, and 5G cell info on band 3 I believe...).

So, I don't know what happened during the weekend, router was turned off I just turned it on in order to execute your command.... and as said, showing above 100Mbps speeds - have not touched anything... Many thanks

Hi, just confirming that the problem seems to be solved with router clocking speeds above 700 when positioned correctly vs 5G tower. Not sure what have helped, but anyhow thanks...