Glinet X3000 gateway randomly went down

Due to the uncertain time of module disconnection, the timing of capturing qlog cannot be controlled. If qlog is captured all the time, memory resources will be exhausted. Please share the device to goodcloud and privately chat with me about the device MAC and login password so that I can I'll troubleshoot the problem remotely.Thanks!

Please provide the return values โ€‹โ€‹of the AT+COPS?, AT+CGDCONT?, AT+CGPADDR commands.Thanks!

+COPS: 0,0,"Verizon ",13

+CGDCONT: 1,"IPV4V6","ims","",0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,"",,,,0
+CGDCONT: 2,"IPV4V6","vzwadmin","",0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,"",,,,0
+CGDCONT: 3,"IPV4V6","VZWINTERNET","",0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,"",,,,0
+CGDCONT: 4,"IPV4V6","vzwapp","",0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,"",,,,0
+CGDCONT: 5,"IPV4V6","vzwemergency","",0,0,0,1,,,,,,,,,"",,,,0
+CGDCONT: 6,"IPV4V6","vzwclass6","",0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,"",,,,0
+CGDCONT: 7,"IPV4V6","vzwiotts","",0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,"",,,,0

+CGPADDR: 1,""
+CGPADDR: 2,"",""
+CGPADDR: 4,"",""
+CGPADDR: 5,"",""
+CGPADDR: 6,"",""
+CGPADDR: 7,"",""