Goodcloud device deactivated


is now 3 weeks i try to add some device on my goodcloud.

but the last 2 device are show like deactivated in my goodcloud, and i can 't acces to them.
they are already on site, and i have no more access.
i have more than 18 device connected, and they are all good.
exept the 2 last one!
something change?

the region is europe,

how can we solve it?

we need some support about it.

Can you still access the devices on another way, like VPN or SSH?

it seems not.

i already try, but i don’t know how to can access it, since i don’t know their public ip, and the firmware is not enough new for can have their own dyndns.

they are install on my client site.
normally i acces to them, because they are in my ggodcloud

thanks for your support