I deploy 4-5 routers a week into goodcloud. We use the templating options in GC to deploy blank routers. There are a few features we'd like to see that would make mass deployments easier.
- Sequential LAN IP numbering. This will allow us to not to need to modify the template every time
- Custom host file entries from goodcloud template OR edit host file of individual router via goodcloud. This prevents needing to log into each router to add hosts entry.
Seem doable?
Thank you for your suggestions. Regarding the first point, it's a great idea, and I'll review it with our team. As for the second point, the GoodCloud template development won't consider this feature for now, so you'll need to make the necessary changes through the Luci interface.
Thanks for replying.
The sequential numbering would be VERY helpful. Though you might need to change how the templating works. I'm not sure how that could be done, other than create a template that asks you every time what LAN IP should be used, and have it auto populate with previous + 1.
I have another request:
Batch script running across multiple hosts. For example I have 100 routers that somehow got a bad timezone. I'm not sure if it was an error in goodcloud templates in the past or what happened. But it is very difficult to login to each one and run a script or manually edit each router. I would like to select x routers and pass commands or a script to run.
It is impossible to put all of the routers in S2S, so the only way is through goodcloud management.
The GoodCloud platform supports batch configuration of devices. You need to select the devices and perform the Modify Settings operation on them. The records of the configuration deployment can be viewed in Logs > Device Setting Logs.
@SamuelXu, thanks! I had not discovered that yet.