Goodcloud shows different devices and groups in different browsers

May I ask how the goodcloud works?

I configured my Flint and my Beryl to have activated goodcloud. I did this using Microsoft Edge. If I log in with Edge I see both routers.

If I use Firefox to log in I do not see the routers and I have different groups visible, because I added a group in Firefox, but this is not visible in Edge.

Why are the two browsers displaying different things despite entering the same credentials?

There are three region(Aisa, Eu,Us) in GoodCloud, you shoud make sure that use the same region.The device data of each region is independent. | Cloud Management Powered by GL.iNet | Cloud Management Powered by GL.iNet | Cloud Management Powered by GL.iNet

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So you mean the credentials are shared but the data is not?

Yeah,that is what I mean

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