How to connect end device to Convexa S zigbee?

Hi there. I recently purchased a Convexa S with zigbee module. I have read the instructions to install the zigbee cli. But I don’t know how to connect any devices to it.
I am not that familiar with the zigbee protocol. But is it possible to use the Convexa as a “hub” for zigbee devices (like Xiaomi smoke detector or switches) ?
I have also successfully installed Home Assistant on the Convexa (on Openwrt) but that didn’t help much as the zigbee module is not identified as a Usb / Tty device on the Openwrt.

Any help here would be appreciated.

BTW, Smarthings hub has a nice UI to identify and add third party devices. It would be nice to get such a UI on the GL-Inet panel too!
For example:

Hi meetyg
Did you succeeded with pairing S1300 with Zigbee devices? Looking to buy it to use as Zigbee Hub

Hi, thank you for purchasing our products.
The zigbee module in Convexa S supports Zigbee 3.0, including nearly all the profiles like ZLL, ZHA, ZGP and so on. Theoretically you can connect any devices in these profiles to the Convexa S.
Typically, connecting other devices to a Zigbee Coordinators contains these steps:
1, build a zigbee network in your coordinator (Convexa S). Using command like that
plugin network-creator form 1 0x1001 10 0x0b. It creat a Zigbee network in channel 0x0b (channel 11) and PanID is 0x1001, power level is 10(TX power 10dBm).
2, open this zigbee network to allow other devices join. Using command like that
plugin network-creator-security open-network. It will open the network for 180 seconds.
3, Press the join network button on your device or in some other ways according your device’s user guide. If success, the coordinator will get the message about device EUI64 and shortid.
While, considering that some devices like XIAOMI has their own security strategy like require specified install code when end device join zigbee network. We have no cooperation with Xiaomi, so we now hve no official user guide on connecting to XIAOMI devices. You can do it yourself.
Future, we will launch a simpler zigbee tool for DIY developers without the foundation of zigbee technology. And we may dock some end devices officially.

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Home Assistant have little relationship with Zigbee.
Home Assistant is a home automation system based on IP. It can control the XIAOMI devices through XIAOMI gateway, and XIAOMI gateway using wifi to get IP and join the Home Assistant.
We are communicating with the Home Assistant official about how to add our zigbee function to the components .

I haven’t had the time to try @yao 's commands above. But as he said, XIAOMI has some specific stuff, so it might not work.
I’ll try again soon and have you updated.