I have a Slate ATX connected to a Belkin rt3200 and I would like to know how can I access the router from a lan wired connected computer in the same network. I know that if I connect via wifi to the router I can access the default login. But I would like to access the default login from a second computer I have at home.
This isn’t a well formed question but I’ll give it a shot. My LAN/wired client, a PC, is connected to a Flint. Its IP/subnet range for its was manually set via GL GUI → Network → LAN → Private Network. The Flint’s WAN is connected to a Slate AX’s LAN via Ethernet cable. Its IP is (Modem → Slate AX → Flint → PC).
I have no trouble accessing the GL GUI of either device.
Let me clarify:
I have FiOS and I used to have their modem, but recently I got my own which is the belkin. so my current connection is like:
-RT 3200
Slate AX
Switch → Lan computer
If I connect to the Slate via its wifi (GL-AX-1880blah) I am able with not issue to open But what I am trying to see, is how can I connect to that IP from a wired-connected desktop.
According your description of your network topology,The LAN PC should access to the web panel with the WAN IP address. You need to check the WAN IP address,AND then access the web panel with the WAN IP.