How to disable iptables connection tracking for NFS?

Here’s a set of recommendations to work with NFS on OpenWRT: [OpenWrt Wiki] NFS share configuration As well as another set: [OpenWrt Wiki] Network File System (NFS)

For performance tuning, it recommends that you turn off connection tracking for NFS connections in order to avoid the CPU being quite so much of a bottleneck. A problem here is that some of the instructions don’t even work on the command line:

jtd@Wormhole:~ % sudo iptables -t raw -A INPUT -i br-lan -s -p udp --dport 32777:32780 -j CT --notrack iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.

Running the others appears to succeed, but I’m still getting 2.5 to 3.5 MB/s write to my high-speed SD card.

I also can’t echo to max_block_size:

jtd@Wormhole:/proc/fs/nfsd % sudo echo 32768 > max_block_size 19-11-16 - 0:00:22 zsh: permission denied: max_block_size

Anyone have any ideas how to flip these switches?

Are you trying to do this on a GL-Inet device?

Shouldn’t need sudo, as OpenWRT is running as root/admin, and the default shell is not zsh, it’s ash provided by busybox

Might be helpful to describe more about your setup, and the disks you’re trying to share.

Are you trying to do this on a GL-Inet device?

Yes, this is an AR-750S.

Shouldn’t need sudo, as OpenWRT is running as root/admin, and the default shell is not zsh, it’s ash provided by busybox

I created a new user and installed both sudo and zsh, and made zsh my shell. I also tried doing this logged in as root and got the same result. No user can echo to the procfs file while the nfsd is running, and if you stop it, all the procfs files evaporate.

I’m just trying to use the 128GB SD card I have in the router’s slot as a sort of temporary sharing datastore for a Mac and a Linux machine.

Bump to see if anyone can help me here.