How to disable rewriting of config by GL.iNet on AXT1800

I’m trying to configure an AXT1800 as a simple client prior to configuration as a BATMAN node. When I make hand edits to the network and wireless config, I am able to do so. However, on restart, something seems to remove portions of those changes.

I basically need to remove the helpful features of the GL.iNet system and turn it into a relatively “dumb” device.

gl-infra-builder to the rescue. Again.

Thanks, I’ll give it a shot, skipping quickly past

Under development, please do not use

Apparently the resources for the AXT1800 are not available

fatal: repository '' not found

They should be? I’ve got my own build running on mine, though I haven’t tried in a few weeks.

I definitely appreciate the suggestion.

Unfortunately it fails to obtain the sources when trying to build 22.03 and fails to compile hostapd when using the wlan-ap base.

Did you do this, exactly?

Can you specify? Maybe some init scripts reset rules when reboot.