How to install Adblock?

I don’t need something as advanced as Adguard Home. But I need Adblock functionality. As I know OWRT supports Adblock plugin. Can you please provide me information about how to install this?

It makes nearly no sense to try to built something around the established solutions, imho.
That’s why I would go with AdGuard Home instead.

But if you would like to use an OpenWrt plugin, please refer to this page:

My GL router unfortunately not support ADGH from the box…

Pity :frowning:
In that case go with the provided wiki article and install the necessary plugins using luci

GL-MiFi - GL.iNet This n

There is no luci on it. How to enter in LuCi?

Mostly (or the IP your routers uses)

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Have you tried Adblock DNS? Or do you need something that is more customizable?

Exactly. I need to block not only ads but also other content like TikTok, Facebook etc

AdGuard DNS can do this in the paid version.
Works like a charm.

I came to GL products not to pay. Ha-ha :smile:
The thing is my VPN provider allows only one free connection. Router (even with multiple devices) counts as one connection. Also many SIMs costs more than one in GL router :smiley:

So the only way is do it directly on it :slight_smile: