How to obscure network device information for GL.iNet GL-MT1300?

Based on your comment in another thread Change outgoing TTL - #39 by Johnex , you seem knowledgeable about Deep Packet Inspection.

Is Deep Packet Inspection a concern with hotel networks? That is, do network administrators have easy tools to identify if someone is using OpenVPN to shut them down? Do you have any advice on configuring an OpenVPN server running on say AWS or Google Cloud? What I’m really leading up to is should I use something like Obfsproxy?

I suppose my use case matters as well: I am not trying to VPN out of say mainland China with their severe firewall controls. I am a businessman who travels frequently, and I need a secure connection to a VPN through my travel router that I can reasonably expect to not be interrupted. Interruptions can be a huge problem during video calls.

I have my GL-MT1300 travel router connect to an OpenVPN server that I’ve setup on Google Cloud with a static IP. For a backup my travel router also has VPN configurations (client profiles) for a major VPN provider (NordVPN). I prefer using my own Google Cloud server, however, since the speed is more reliable.

Any configuration advice you might have to avoid DPI, and how to get the travel router to reliably connect to my own OpenVPN server on Google Cloud would be greatly appreciated.