How to set up for travel when not traveling with laptop?

Is there a good tutorial for how to set up router for travel. I’m unable to bring a laptop so would need to have it ready to go when I get to the hotel. I don’t know if there’ll be wired or wireless available, but I would assume wireless would be more prevalent.

I get lost in some of the terminology, so beginner friendly would be best.

I have a MT300N-V2.


First you should upgrade the first to the latest and make sure it works.

Then use your phone’s browser to access and set up the router.

After you have done this at home, you should be good to to travel.

Do I want “Clean” firmware version (as opposed to V1 or Tor)?

Clean firmware has nothing. Don’t use it if you don’t want to start from 0.

The firmware in V1 folder is our stock firmware.

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v1 firmware is your friend.

Just update via the web fronted, that’s the easiest (and properly safest) way to be sure you have the latest and correct version.

Thanks for the guidance its really knowledgeable thread.