How to setup WireGuard VPN to access my existing LAN?

In my environment, I already have Router between WAN and my LAN. So, I want to use GL.iNet router as just one of my LAN client, same as other PC, NAS, and Media player.
In this situation, is it possible to connect to GL.iNet router device from internet via WireGuard VPN, and access to my resource(PC, NAS, etc) from WireGuard client devices(ex. PC, Mobile Phone)? And if it’s possible, how to setup for that kind of use?


WAN ----- my router ---- HUB -------- PC
| +
| ±-- NAS
| +
| ±-- GL.iNet (router) device
| as WireGuard endpoint
WireGuard client
(PC, MobilePhone)

Yes you can do that.

Just a common setup. Remember to do port forward so that your WG server is accessible.

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