How to upgrade Adguard on the Flint, auto and manual?

I try to used same as the flint file but it’s not working the adguard home?

The file is different for Beryl. I posted a thread on my previous reply. You can try this file for Beryl: AdGuardHome_linux_mipsle_softfloat.tar.gz

Okay, noted with thanks.

Yes, great and awesome! I did it for my Beryl. Thanks so much for your kindness help.

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I finally got the upgrade to work! I had run an upgrade a month earlier and it was still sitting in the backup folder. It seems that the AdGuard upgrade process would not overwrite the files in the backup folder, /etc/AdGuardHome/agh-backup. I was also running out of space to even add another .ovpn connection. I sshed in and manually deleted the AdGuardHome executable in the backup folder, and the upgrade worked just fine (I was also able to add another .ovpn connection) . The upgrade process also copies the old files to the backup folder, so once I’m satisfied the new version of AdGuardHome is working fine, I’ll delete the executable in the backup folder.


Yep just tried this deleting the agh-backup files, and it worked.

Thanks AllenJ

Successfully updated Flint, but for E750 Mudi I don’t know which file to download. The …linux_armv7.tar doesn’t work

I have AGH installed on my Spitz, but I don’t recall if the QCA9531 CPU (same as Mudi) used 32-bit mips or mips LE for the AGH install to /opts. For the mips_24kc, I’d try the 32-bit mips first (uname -m shows mips).

These commands from SSH work on a variety of platforms too to figure out the architecture.

opkg print-architecture

ubus call system board

uname -m

Thanks, it is mips_24kc and 32-bit mips worked.

The last time I used the following method and it worked: Auto upgrade

Is there an updated process for this? I did this on my new Flint 2 and everything broke. The adgaurd server would not start.

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Perhaps you used wrong architecture for Flint 2. You should use

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Does anyone know the current method to upgrade AdGuardHome on a Flint 2 MT6000?
I tried doing it via the CLI (similar to the post I’m replying to, but did it directly in the console rather than using WinSCP).

I also grabbed the arm64.tar.gz rather than the arm7.tar.gz as the MT6000 is aarch64.

When I try to run the latest AdGuardHome executable it just returns “Segmentation Fault”.


Using the ‘file’ command, here are the differences between the default version that is installed on the router (from Gl. Inet) compared to the arm64 version that I downloaded. The latter mentions FreeBSD.

root@router:/etc/AdGuardHome# file AdGuardHome 
**AdGuardHome: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, Go BuildID=wwypSdlUcOiPO3WiW0fJ/66ksd_jrHc_v88FmVl9Z/-idAwYwJp0F3MPnu0GzEmmPd0, stripped**

root@router:/etc/AdGuardHome# cd /root/AdGuardHome/
root@router:~/AdGuardHome# file AdGuardHome
**AdGuardHome: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (FreeBSD), statically linked, for FreeBSD 12.3, FreeBSD-style, Go BuildID=o-jIUFaXNqWcTxWF1KHG/5XX32XsYQy70XEiR3oWd14QAB/**PA1l4F9biDU3XWc-RDly, stripped

This should do the trick.

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Perfect, thanks! I didn’t think to check /etc/init.d, even though I could see with ps that it was running with --no-check-update

I’ve now upgraded successfully.

Hi Admon,
do you know the reason why GL.iNet decided not expect to upgrade AdGuard?
With the described procedure it is very simple and and updated correctly.
…but that command line from GL-iNet will have provided it for some reason

I would say that the resources are currently more into fixing existing bugs than upgrading existing 3rd party packages. Most of them don’t need the most current version anyway because the functionality is still working - even with an older version.

Maybe @alzhao can consider creating a universal repo for 3rd party products so they can upgrade themselfs.

Also, most frimwares has adguard home which never upgrades new version. Reason oldest router has not enough storages.

I also did the indicated procedure and was able to update to the latest AdGuard Home version. The problem came when I updated the router firmware, enabling AdGuard Home the connection was blocked. I then followed the procedure indicated but could not get it working, so the only solution I could follow was to reset the router and reset the firmware.
I hope for a solution as soon as possible, especially for update AdGuard as the latest versions fix several bugs, including security bugs.

When you upgraded manual adguard home and config.yaml has changed new version. So if you upgraded frimware from GL and overwritten default version except all settings not overwritten. That why config.yaml does not match default version after upgraded frimware.