Adguard Home Upgrade

Hi guys,
I am writing here a guide on how to upgrade Adguard Home but not all routers support even enough space storage.

First, turn off Adguard Home on your router page.

Second, have 2 options depending on what do you have a device?

One option (very easy) if you have PC windows then download software call WinSCP
I set my default router is, so your IP router could default
Next open and edit the file on this address: /etc/init.d/adguardhome

and delete –no-check-update

Save it and close.

The second option (very hard) is if you don’t have a PC with Windows, so can use an SSH terminal.
Open the terminal or console and type ssh root@ (type your IP router) enter and type your router password.

type vi /etc/init.d/adguardhome and search --no-check-update then delete. After that Hold Shift and double ZZ.

Third turn on Adguard home from the router page and open a new tab You will be noticed on the top banner about updating the new version or the bottom with the symbol

Very important when you try to upgrade a new firmware router and you will notice no internet because inside the old Adguard Home version I can solve the problem with only one option that I know to use WinSCP.
Turn off Adguard home
Cut or copy one file config.yaml from /etc/AdGuardHome to your PC and make sure the config file is gone from the router.
Turn on Adguard home and open the page about installation then fill in different ports then update latest Adguard home version.
Turn off Adguard home and you will notice a new file config. Put original file confing from PC and turn on Adguard Home.
Double check TCP/UDP have a list of Adguard Home from luci.

I want to thank you for your advises @admon @blackbox GL-inet staff.