How to use imagebuild create latests testing bins for ar150

I wish to build testing 3.100 on ar150 with gl_imagebuilder. it only builds release 3.027

How is this done?
please post customize.json and command please

Switch to the develop branch, firmware compilation for version 3.100 is already supported.

not sure how to do this

funny I didn’t see the glinet subfolder and then posted my question.

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GitHub - gl-inet/glinet: All ipks for GL.iNet's official firmware. Is this the subfolder you said?

no I did not see ~/gl_imagebuilder/glinet

so I tried checkout develop in gl_imagebuilder… lol

I was able to build ar150 but could not build develop branch for mv1000-emmc

Sorry about that. The developer has not updated for mv1000-emmc.
But we will update as soon as possible. Thanks.