If VPN Policy Enabled with No VPN configured/running then no Internet

Today I’m coming across a number of problems with B1300. I started reconfiguring B1300 after a reset from Luci.

If I enable VPN policy before setting any VPN first there will be no Internet connectivity. Also if VPN policy is enabled and VPN configured but not running there still be no Internet.

So what is the policy you set?

Enable VPN Policy—Enabled
Use VPN for guest network— Disabled

Besides that I am having terrible time importing Mullvad Wireguard settings automatically, as it always fails. Anyway possible to import by any other quick way?

Can I set LAN not to use VPN but treated as Guest Network instead?

You didn’t have any rules in vpn policy? So why do you set up vpn policy?

To use vpn policy you need to have a vpn otherwise why do you do that?

I am not sure about technically if this is what designed but I will chekc.

Setting VPN policy to “ON” was initial step in configuration. Next was to setup Wireguard. I believe if you set VPN not available for Guest Network then guest network should have Internet in all cases (VPN down or up), but this wasn’t the case.

The current problem may be because of without vpn the vpn policy does not work properly. Will investigate and come back.