I had to reflash my device following the “unbrick” instructions after I lost access to the administration. I had problems getting the correct firmware from the downloads.
In the video it says we should only use IMG files. But the following page does not show any IMG file (at the time of posting this message)
The comments related to the first download (which is a TAR file) clearly says:
This file is for local upgrade in web Admin Panel and Uboot
So I thought the comments about the instructions saying that only IMG being appropriate for uboot in the video were not applicable for this very recent device ?
Then I copied the download link to the “.tar” file, I replaced the extension with a “.img”, and I attempted to download it, and it worked. So I was able to download an IMG file, corresponding to the TAR file listed.
Eventually I was able to get reset my device using the IMG file from the “snapshot”. But getting the correct firmware should not be that complicated.
So can you please confirm whether TAR or IMG files should be used with uboot ?
Either we should use IMG files only with uboot, as said in the video, in which case you should provide the correct links in the downloads for the MT-3000. Or we should use the TAR file with uboot on the MT-3000, in which case the instructions in the video are incorrect.
Please can you take the appropriate action to rectify this, in order to avoid a lot of pain for users who need to unbrick their MT-3000 in the future.