Install Wifi Pineaaple NANO in the ZSUN mini AP

Hey guys,

I am bothering because you are the last resource before destroying my ZSUN due to anger :stuck_out_tongue:

The initial idea was to port hostapd-mana to openwrt and susbtitute the original hostapd within the ZSUN in order to use it also for pentesting 802.1x networks during engagements at work… sadly I got stopped due to diffing/merging issues while porting hostapd-mana to its OpenWRT version.

However, googling aroung I have figured out that one guy managed to modify the Wifi Pineapple Nano (same Atheros SoC of our ZSUN) to push it in another AP:<wbr />13/wifi-pineapple-firmware-<wbr />for-gl-inet-gl-ar150/<wbr />glinetpineapple

And this guy did the same:<wbr />STPF2

I was wondering if you could give a look at the procedure to patch the Pineapple Nano original fw.

I was following the guide in the URL above…

But instead of using openwrt-cc repo... I have tried with<wbr />openwrt-zsun but without much success.

Would be really nice if you could experiment as well, since you are much more skilled in the ZSUN than me.

Pushing the Wifi Pineapple fw into ZSUN will make MANY people really happy! :slight_smile: