Ip.sb spam requests

Hello guys. Please stop this request and try to find another way for Astro at last to do them when Astro is active. I am connected to cloud as a staff member adviced but i still see this requests every around 30 seconds. I log my dns requests and is annoying to see that many to this ip.sb. How can be stopped?

Flint2 op24 beta

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I can confirm this aswell on goodcloud this also happened.

it is a issue, because if multiple devices do it you are basically sending alot of traffic towards that ip lookup service, i had to disable goodcloud.

A nicer grace period would be much better, maybe every 10-15 minutes?

because i cannot find a situation it needs to be resolved that much to find the wan ip.

Look how many times in not even 12h

Traffic isn't the thing I would worry about because mostly it will be just some 1 line curl response; nothing to worry about at all. But: ip.sb seems to be 3rd party, which would violate GDPR and local privacy laws - that's a big issue. It might also violate their ToS.

So the WAN address check should be self-hosted by GL, I would say.

Please contact your "colleagues'" and ask them to fix the issue. ASAP . Also i am not happy with that many requests like every 30 seconds even if they are not big deal.

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I was able to down a site with multiple pings like 20 years ago when i was still a kid😋, so it is worrisome nevertheless.

the reason is because everytime you resolve you create amplification + range, do that every <sec under multiple devices, then it becomes a issue.

Sure newer tech handles it better, but it can still be a nasty one.



We have realized the relevant issues and thank you all for your feedback.

  1. Will provide a parameter later, to reduce the query frequency.
  2. Will use GL own service to detect ipv4. The ipv6 part is TBD.
  3. This issue will be resolved when the next version is released.