Is my Brume 2 dead?

Hi alzhao, thanks for your reply.

I recall when on 4.4.6 (before the critical nginx patch), It was always flashing blue, even in normal operation. I stayed a long time with 4.4.6 as I had a few problems with later firmwares (for example Failed to install nfs-kernel-server on 4.5.16 and Flint (GL-AX1800) is unresponsive on 4.5.16). On latest firmware, it's always "blue", even when the problem occurs

Yes I cannot get to uboot. Here are the steps I perform:

  1. Remove any cable from brume 2
  2. Plug in an ethernet cable to the LAN port and to my laptop
  3. Plug in the power cable
  4. While clicking on the reset button, plug in the power outlet

Brume 2 flashes five times in blue, then it gets constant. I then release my finger from the "reset" button and try to connect to uboot