Is there an AWS Node app which I can connect to my GoodCloud?

Dose such app exist?
It would be nice to have one to use as a main node with public IP

What exactly do you mean by it?
Like self-hosted VPN or what are we talking about?

I mean a Linux version of the same or similar code which runs on routers. If I do not have a public IP at home I could use AWS for the main node

Goodcloud is SaaS only and you don't need a public IP for it.

I guess I posted in a wrong group. The question is about routers' software. If it is possible create Site-to-site when none of routers have a public IP. Using AWS instance with a public IP and appropriate software would be a solution. I know that Zerotire could give some alternative but I'm interested in Site-to-site

You don't need anything special for S2S. Just deploy WireGuard or OpenVPN and you are good to go.

So you can run those VPN servers on AWS and connect your routers by them.

Did you mean running a VPN server on AWS and connecting all routers to it? I do not think internal router's networks will be accessible in this case from different locations. Also if I run a vpn client on routers I will not be able to run vpn servers on them at the same time

That is all a question about proper firewall and routing rules. Definitely possible.