Issues with Beryl ax firmware 4.5.16

  • Using 160 MHz bandwidth for the 5 GHz signal is unstable. Connected clients report constant bandwidth switching between 80 and 160 MHz and the Tx rate stays at 1200 MBits/s (it should go to 2400 MBit/s).

  • DHCP reserved IP addresses fail to get assigned on the client’s next reconnect. Instead, the client receives the previously assigned IP address again, as if no reservation was made.


I'm seeing exactly the same bandwidth switching between 80 and 160Mhz (and Tx at 1200 for both) behavior on my Flint 2 (GL-MT6000), firmware 4.6.2. This holds true regardless of what DFS channel I choose (auto/100/104/etc).

Did you ever get a support reply or find a fix for this?

I found the switching in the course of troubleshooting why I'm only seeing ~300ish Mbps down, ~600ish Mbps up despite being within fairly close line-of-sight (~1 meter) of the router. (Connection tests to solid 800Mbps symmetric when connected by ethernet.). Macbook Pro and iPhone 14Pro seeing same speedtest results.

A note for @danielg and future searchers: macbook m1 doesn't support 160mhz (Wi-Fi specifications for Apple devices – Apple Support (UK)) - it seems in this case, the behavior of switching between 160 and 80Mhz by Tx not increasing is typical.

No, I did not get a support reply.

That Apple page you linked suggests all Apple devices support 160 MHz bandwidth only in the 6 GHz band which the Beryl AX does not support.