List of current feature requests 2023

I got it, but the binary is 30MB, because with UPX it refuses to launch 2 instances of itself, so we’re stuck at 30MB. I will write a guide, maybe someone can improve or put it in a nice tar or opkg package.

Geezus! My Slate AX currently only has 40.2 MB free! Why don’t you touch base w/ LanRat & see if there’s any tips they can pass along?

I don’t know who that is, but here’s the guide, let me know if you try it or if anyone has any improvements:

Installing Tailscale on Opal (SiFlower)

(big font for visibility haha)

I’m assuming it’s their screen name:

Made an issue, maybe they can make a script to automate the build/strip/compress process. One idea I have is compiling 2 binaries and compressing them individually since the segfault issue is with running 2 “instances” of the same upx-compressed binary. One at a time works for me.

Good news! Seems like they added the arch to their repo, and it works. Just installed it from opkg, it auto-launched the daemon and setting up tailscale according to the openwrt wiki works almost perfectly with the exception of using it as an exit node.

The binary is however still uncompressed and almost 30MB in size, which is not very good for small devices. As for ram usage, it uses somewhere like 20.5 MB. About equal to my adguard home config with under 100k rules. I’m left with around 5-8MB free, which is not great, but manageable.

I recently had trouble connecting to a Hotel wifi captive portal. After some searching I determined it was due to DNS rebinding protection being on by default.

I think that’s a totally reasonable and secure default to set. However, since the web UI shows if an internet connection is working, it would be good if it could offer more troubleshooting options directly when the internet is not reachable. For example, perhaps there could be a “troubleshooting” page that surfaces options for disabling DNS rebinding and any other similar settings.

A step up would be to tie this to specific SSIDs for wireless networks or based on the remote MAC address of the WAN port default gateway. That way, I could leave DNS rebinding protection on in general but disable it on known-bad networks.



Request: Wake-on-LAN GUI (and integration in the mobile apps)

It’s a small binary with minimal settings - just MAC addresses. You could do multiple profiles to add support for waking multiple PCs. wakeonlan is already present in the default repos


I don’t think their target market is going to even know, much less care, about WoL. My understanding there’s already phone apps so fire out such packet(s):

Well that’s LAN only. Integration with GoodCloud could be a nice lil selling point like “Wake up your PC from anywhere in the world!”. It’s also just nice being able to do that (or automate it) on the router


You’re right; that would be very beneficial for remote access. I could see myself spinning up my home server while away. I’m sold.

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Duplicate, sorry. Please ignore/delete.

Related thread:


is it possible to add the option of fast roaming/transition in gl.inet gui - wifi section? it will be handy to have the option here for the ones using a 2nd/3rd router(s) as WAP(s) in order to get fast roaming/transition enabled quickly instead of digging through LUCI in order to get it working

i am suggesting it can be placed here somewhere:


Thanks for the detailed and transparent feature list. It is really helpful to know what to expect in future. I really appreciate it.

I would like to request VPN Kill Switch feature in v4.x just like we have it in v3.x firmware.

Firmware v4.x does have the “Block Non-VPN” switch which is a global setting and it does not respect VPN policies. E.g. if I enable “Block Non-VPN”, and exclude a device from VPN in Policy then I won’t have internet on this device which I specifically excluded from VPN.

Another way of looking at it would be if Block Non-VPN is turned off and a device only allowed to use VPN from the policies then it shouldn’t have internet when VPN breaks.

My use case: I use 2 AX-1800 Flint and one GL-E750 Mudi routers. I connect 3 systems to the same router, 2 using VPNs and third one bypassing VPN. If vpn connection is broken, I expect 2 systems using VPN shouldn’t have internet but my 3rd non vpn system should.




Hi. First, thank you for a well-designed product and decent support and documentation. I am a user of Opal in a Camper Van. The Opal product is very close to being a very functional travel router/repeater. There are four features that would compel every camper van traveler to own one of your devices:

  1. Somewhat higher-gain antennas
  2. Ease of dealing with captive portal logins that require acknowledging of rules, without requiring a user name or a password
  3. Low cost
  4. Ability to provide a loca mobilel ‘WiFi hot spot’ by using a cellular SIM card.

Best regards.

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I’m guessing you need to buy a cellular router? Such as

The first two points have absolutely hit the nail on the head and would make these things unrivalled as travel routers but these vital features have yet to be realised despite so many requests for the same over the years.

Feature Request: multiple VPN tunnels simultaneously and dynamic routing (OSPF)

It would be perfect if there could be more than one active Wiregurad connection at the same time and OSPF implementation for dynamic routing between the VPN connections.

I have two VPN routers at home and configured two Wireguard connections on my Slate AX which I have to switch over manually in case on VPN router is down. Additionally, I have installed and configured OSPF to automatically adjust the routes beween both VPN connections.

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