MAC logs


As I see MACs of clients stored in logs /etc/oui-tertf/client.db. Can I somehow disable this?

Wild guess: Make the path unavailable by removing the write permission on it or by linking it do /dev/null should work. Not sure about the consequences, tho.

Try to disable either or both of these services and check the logs again:

service gl_clients stop
service gl-tertf stop

What will I loose if I do this? Won’t it cause me any errors?

You will loose the statistics that appear on the
Clients page.

How loose? It will just stop displaying? Or it will be error?

Do you have screenshots?

So this commands will disable forever or before next reboot? If forever and I will want to enable again what should I do?

It will display but without stats. Not forever … till you reboot it will be back to normal.

How to disable it permanently (until I will enable it manually)?

Same command just replace the stop with enable or disable.

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