Recently i have purchased an Marble GL-B3000 router.
I have tried AdGuard and VPN features….
But now is doing nothing and CPU usage is always at 2., like in the screenshot.
I have a BerylAX & SlateAX and CPU usage is 0%
Something wrong?
Recently i have purchased an Marble GL-B3000 router.
I have tried AdGuard and VPN features….
But now is doing nothing and CPU usage is always at 2., like in the screenshot.
I have a BerylAX & SlateAX and CPU usage is 0%
Something wrong?
Could you please login via SSH and execute:
opkg update && opkg install procps-ng-ps
Then run
ps ax -o pid,comm,%cpu --sort=-%cpu | head
Show us the output of this command then.
24988 kworker/0:2-eve 2.1
4046 scheduler_threa 1.6
7541 lua 1.3
13872 tailscaled 0.4
16706 kworker/u4:6-wm 0.3
18613 kworker/u4:4-pp 0.3
20021 kworker/u4:8+ec 0.2
11923 kworker/u4:5-pp 0.2
24365 kworker/u4:0-pp 0.2
Maybe this CPU is not so bad, but the CPU usage graphic is not so illustrative.... High and red bars for this tiny CPU use...
Some dev might need to look into this, what do you think @bruce ?
And in the CPU usage graphic in the GLinet app?
In the mobile app... I think that's what is wrong!
I’m not using VPN and if I turn on AdGuard, with Hagezis Pro ++ list, the router freeze. The only extrathings is Tailscale
And Tailscale turned off, CPU usage is around 2%...