Meet Brume 2!

I’m trying to use it as a mini server / Adguard for my lan. Redirecting the DNS requests has limitations in classifying dns clients … I want it to be also in the same lan of the main router from home.

Using it as just a security gateway (unfortunately without wifi) is just one scenario.

After some research… :

Use Adguard with all features (that is not possible with dns redirect dnsmasq to AdGuard), from your main router lan…

Install nano package from plugins, will need it.
Activate AdGuard and do what settings do you need in it.
Using luci - Network → DHCP and DNS → advanced settings → set dnsmasq dns port to 5353 (different from 53)
Login via ssh and with: nano /etc/AdGuardHome/config.yaml
change dns port from 3053 to 53 and save
In AdGuard settings → DNS setings → Private reverse DNS servers
type your dnsmasq details like …
Open port 53 in firewall. Also ports 80, 22, 3000 will be useful, but take care when you will use the device in others scenarious.
Instruct / Set your main router dhcp server to inform the dhcp clients AdGuard dns server.

Now you can use Adguard with all features (that is not possible with dns redirect dnsmasq to AdGuard), from your main router lan, and see in AdGuard Dashboard every client request.
For vpn and tor you must connect a pc in the Brume2 lan port.

Warning: If you disable AdGuard then dns wil not work!

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