MT-6000 Flint 2 USB HDD sleep mode?

MT-6000 Flint 2 USB HDD sleep mode?

allo is there the possibility of putting a connected USB HDD into sleep mode (for example after 5 minutes) when it is not needed?

It does sleep afaik as long as youre not interacting with it.

Well, not really.

It rotates non-stop (which it shouldn't and doesn't need)

It doesn't matter whether I leave them alone for 5 minutes or 5 hours. Even when I'm not at home the HDD spins.

The controller needs to support the sleep command. For USB this isn't the case, mostly.

The HDD is only 2 years old.

It would be a good point to take this under
"Applications - Network Storage".

It just has to:
opkg update && opkg install luci-app-hd-idle

To be installed + restart. Then in Luci - under Services set the time when it should go off and that's it.
This means the disk only runs when it is needed.

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Collected and be evaluated inside to determine, thanks.

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