MT3000 - Access Swiss IP from Egypt

Hello everyone,

I am using a BerylAX router with a VPS server.

I have relocated to Egypt seven months ago. For legal reasons, I require a Swiss IP address to conduct my work, and until recently, using OpenVPN has been effective.

However, this week, I’ve encountered throttling issues with OpenVPN. Attempts to use ZeroTier, WireGuard, Shadowsocks have been unsuccessful, likely due to ISP restrictions or me not being able to set it up correctly since I’m not an expert. Additionally, I cannot install any VPN software on my work laptop, limiting my options.

I don’t necessarily need a VPN but require my Swiss IP to be reflected on my router.
I’m seeking advice on alternative methods or configurations to achieve this.

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Someone in Switzerland need to run a Wireguardserver and send you the WireGuard-Client Configfile. If you want to have the IP of your router in Switzerland, somebody need to connect a flint/berly/slate to your router in your/his house in switzerland and run a wireguad-server or VPN.

If you only forward the IP it could also work. But you need access to a router in Switzerland in any case.
Maybe this helps:

Make sure the Internetprovider in Switzerland use public IPv4 and not CGNAT.

You can join a free tier oracle cloud account, make sure you choose the Switzerland region (eu-zurich-1). Then you can configure a linux server and install a wireguard server on it. I do this to get a Brazilian IP and it works nice. It's free forever.

I use docker and this service:

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Problem is that Egypt is doing DPI to block the VPNs and Wireguard is blocked. Which means that I have no guarantee it would work

This is basically already what I am doing unless I am mistaken in the method?

I am paying for a server in Switzerland running on Linux. I have installed Wireguard on it but still it did not work, I assume it’s because of DPI in Egypt

Legal reasons, or to continue getting paid? :rofl:

Anyway, there's a thread here about Amnezia, which should avoid the DPI problem: [Feature request] Replace Wireguard with AmneziaWG - #76 by xa0c


Thanks for your advice, I will definitely check it.

For the rest (in this thread and the other) it could be for both actually. I am a free lance, and I have to be located in Switzerland when I am signing documents for examples. And yes I want to get paid (if you don’t mind). Is there anything else you would like to know about an unknown person seeking for help without stealing anything from you?

I still appreciate the tips you have shared though. Will try my best to make it work.

Properly its because they start to prepare cccupy the Gaza-Strip and messed up what was working before ... the political changes that happend lately