MT3000 is dead ?

On March/2024 I brought MT3000, after a Firmware Update, lost LAN port connection and after that nothing but problems. I tried a Factory Rest but I did something wrong. Last time I saw LED indications were,
[- plug in power code - led brink 2 times - solid blue light about 3 minutes - fast brining few minutes - then light is turned off by itself]. I was expecting a Rebooting Process is taking next, I left power ON couple of hours but nothing is happened. I disconnect power, reconnect power few times but no responses. Maybe it got deleted all or maybe Bootloader?
Then I saw talking about UART connection on this forum site. Can I connect UART to serial port and install U-boot file them Firmware file? And how, I just download "putty.log" first time. What will do you see from this log. Please instruct me. I am new to this but I will learn. (816 Bytes)

Have you tried this?

Yes, I did twice them what happened as 1st post. It is no longer works with U-boot procedures. Then I found UART to Serial connection, I followed what I saw to down load 1st "putty.log" and listed on my post. I don’t know how interpret the “Putty .log” I don't know Putty's command to go farther, That is all what I can do for now. Can I write U-Boot file on flash memory? Can you teach me how?

Not sure it makes too much difference, but you are likely using 4.x code, so try this one instead:

No, neither method of 3.x code nor 4.x code did not work, instead I used Advanced Uboot - GL.iNet Router Docs 3 straight into Serial Port (Vcc, Rx, Tx, Gnd) use UART adapter with Putty software. However what I saw my Putty screen was quaint different form on the Web site picture.

OK, Even how badly erased memory, when you press and hold Reset Button and apply the DC power will the LED is start blinking? My Mt3000 don't do.

And I notice that before damaged it, leave MT3000 little while and came buck, That is turned off by its self, and won't come back ON unplugged power and plugged in. and few days later its start booting process. It is very strange machine.

My Putty.log is this


F0: 102B 0000

FA: 1040 0000

FA: 1040 0000 [0200]

F9: 0000 0000

V0: 0000 0000 [0001]

00: 0000 0000

BP: 2400 0041 [0000]

G0: 1190 0000

EC: 0000 0000 [1000]

T0: 0000 0244 [010F]

Jump to BL

dump toprgu registers data: 
1001c000 | 00000000 0000ffe0 00000000 00000000
1001c010 | 00000fff 00000000 00f00000 00000000
1001c020 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
1001c030 | 003c0003 003c0003 00000000 00000000
1001c040 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
1001c050 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
1001c060 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
1001c070 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
1001c080 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

dump drm registers data: 
1001d000 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
1001d010 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
1001d020 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
1001d030 | 00a083f1 000003ff 00100000 00000000
1001d040 | 00000000 00000000 00020303 000000ff
1001d050 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
1001d060 | 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000
drm: 500 = 0x8 
[DDR Reserve] ddr reserve mode not be enabled yet
[EMI] ComboMCP not ready, using default setting
Window Sum 544, worse bit 3, min window 64
Window Sum 544, worse bit 9, min window 64
[TxChooseVref] Worse bit 15, Min win 23, Win sum 397, Final Vref 38
Window Sum 64, worse bit 6, min window 0
Window Sum 60, worse bit 9, min window 2
Window Sum 122, worse bit 3, min window 10
Window Sum 136, worse bit 13, min window 12
Window Sum 168, worse bit 3, min window 12
Window Sum 210, worse bit 10, min window 24
Window Sum 230, worse bit 3, min window 22
Window Sum 252, worse bit 13, min window 28
Window Sum 266, worse bit 3, min window 26
Window Sum 282, worse bit 10, min window 34
Window Sum 310, worse bit 3, min window 32
Window Sum 300, worse bit 11, min window 34
Window Sum 332, worse bit 3, min window 36
Window Sum 320, worse bit 10, min window 38
Window Sum 348, worse bit 3, min window 40
Window Sum 336, worse bit 10, min window 40
Window Sum 358, worse bit 3, min window 42
Window Sum 350, worse bit 10, min window 42
Window Sum 378, worse bit 3, min window 44
Window Sum 372, worse bit 11, min window 44
Window Sum 386, worse bit 3, min window 44
Window Sum 386, worse bit 10, min window 46
Window Sum 404, worse bit 3, min window 48
Window Sum 404, worse bit 10, min window 48
Window Sum 414, worse bit 1, min window 50
Window Sum 412, worse bit 10, min window 50
Window Sum 422, worse bit 3, min window 50
Window Sum 422, worse bit 10, min window 50
Window Sum 428, worse bit 2, min window 52
Window Sum 430, worse bit 10, min window 52
Window Sum 438, worse bit 10, min window 52
Window Sum 434, worse bit 4, min window 52
Window Sum 444, worse bit 10, min window 52
Window Sum 440, worse bit 3, min window 52
Window Sum 448, worse bit 10, min window 54
Window Sum 442, worse bit 1, min window 54


I don't get any messages after this.

My CPU is MT78818 instead of MT7918.
Can I install u-boot file?
USB to Serial port, I got Putty log this far and it is not respond my typing, TFTP connection dose not respond from MT3000 LAN port.
Is CH341 programmer work? Which IC is target on? U2645?

Sorry I wrought wrong IC. yah, it is MT7981BA.
And I am asking again, (openwart-mt3000-4.6.4-0904-1725421504.img) can be writing on flash using Ch341a Programmer?

@alzhao do you have a idea how this being done?:thinking:

Sorry for the trouble. But I suggest you contact support and get a replacement.

I cannot interpret the putty log.

@alzhao I already talked to a support team but they cannot replaced it, because I bought from Aliexpress unsupported store.

I saw the forum page ("System halt!" message at the booting of MT3000) it is very similar to my problem and he fixed with CH341 Programmer, I believe.
And I just want try if I can or may be using this u-Link NT (.u-Link NT.)

You can ask the 3rd-party seller to replace it. Aliexpress may help on that.

Yes, the name itself sound like genuine store but 3-party store is 3-party store, it is long gone for only 2 weeks of warranty.
Buy the way "GL.iNet Official Store5100113"at Aliexpress is GL.iNet represented store, I fund later and also GL-iNet support team say so.

I am now start working on this broken unit to revive it and beginning to understand a programming process slowly.

I mean, you can ask Aliexpress to step in and get warranty. There is no way for 2-week warranty only anywhere.

please do not mix up " GL.iNet Official Store#5100113" as bad guy, I bought from different store and it was on May/2024. this is similar story as mine (Beryl AX (GL-MT3000) stuck in boot loop?)
I already open the unit and gathering informations for Programming, and this is very informative subject.("System halt!" message at the booting of MT3000)
thank you

Are you able to follow that guide and get it working? Pls let me know.