Mt6000 android tethering Not working but Flint 2 says it’s connected

Hello ,
I own a Flint2 MT6000 with latest GL firmware 4.7 (non beta), and I moved to a new house without internet connection (for now).
So I started to use the USB tethering with my iPhone 15, and it’s working perfectly.
But with my wife’s Galaxy S22 it’s not working (internet sharing) even if the tethering usb is enabled on the S22 and even if the flint2 says that the link is ok between him and the s22.

Why am I having this problem ? When using iPhone sharing connection is working perfectly.

Thanks for your help :innocent:

Try enabling USB developer debug mode on S22 and see if it works?

Hello :wave:t2:
Even with usb debug mode, no internet…

I also tried to connect the S22 to my mac , and here too no internet connection :worried:

I don’t understand why this isn’t working…
I tried to deactivate the wifi , check if usb modem is active … but no luck.
I don’t know what to do…

Ps : the wifi shared connection works fine with the computer, but can’t be used with the Flint2 :sweat_smile:

Is there something new I can try?

Thanks :pray:t2:

Does Macbook connect to S22 hotspot? :thinking:

Then Flint 2 should be able connect to the hotspot of S22 via repeater.
If it cannot connect, please export issue syslog, and PM me.

Hello :wave:t2:

Do you mean the hotspot wifi from the S22?
If yes, then yes, I can connect to the hotspot wifi and I can access internet through it.

But if you mean via USB, then when I connect it on my mac, I accept the demand on the smartphone, but nothing appears on my mac : no new network connection...

What do you mean with "via repeater"?

When I know what is the repeater, I'll post a syslog in PM.
Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Very sorry for my description is a bit confusing.

I mean is the Flint 2 repeater unable to connect to the hotspot from S22?

On my Samsung Galaxy phones, Tethering works with both my MT6000 Flint 2 and my old AR750S routers.

Just in case your not already doing this, when I connect the USB cable and enable Tethering on the Galaxy phone, I then have to disable the WiFi on the Galaxy phone since the USB Tethering will use the wireless connection (back through the Flint 2) instead of using it's phone’s cellular wireless network connection.