Mudi tor and luci problems

New Mudi, E750 I Updated to 3.015 didn’t save any settings.

Problems I face

  1. Tor won’t start goes to 40% (my ISP doesn’t block tor) I can’t set the time in the router I change the time zone and makes no change I think this is causing the issue. How can I set the time I try to sync with my browser and set manually neither makes the changes shows date as 2020 so it’s not updating and I think this doesn’t allow tor to start

  2. I can’t find/download LUCI I go to applications / plug-ins and can’t find or download LUCI after updating help.

I almost am giving up on using the Mudi has had many software issues.

I need to use Tor and change the routers name using Luci. Please, Fellow pears help me use the router cant get to work.

First you should disable tor, then update the timezone so that the router can sync time with the time server.

In the repo, you should first refresh the repo then search “luci”.

1- I tried on 2 web browsers Firefox. I turn off tor and all kill switches and policies,

I go to time zone and click sync, the time changes but not the date. After trying to start tor
error - ! (DATE XX-XX Time XX:XX:XX(notice) (control) bootstrap 40% (loading…keys) loading authority key cert

2- I go to Applications, Plugins, Click update, let it update look for ‘‘Luci’’ says not found. Thanks -Mudi

Can you manually choose your timezone? otherwise Tor will not work.

After you update the repo, how many packages you have?

You should search “luci” not “Luci”.

Time sync’s but not the date. how do i check how many package’s there is 33 pages in application plugins after i update. 72% free space

Time sync’s but not the date. how do i check how many package’s there is 33 pages in application plugins after i update. 72% free space

I did try luci and no package found to downlaod i do have active internet and turn off tor first to try these things first.

Yes of course. I said this before.

If Tor could not used,please to see the video: 这也太快了吧!只需简单几步,教会你用 Pop!_OS+Qv2ray 翻墙~~谁再告诉你Linux不能翻墙,你就把这个视频怼给他! - YouTube
,most OS could to used pass wall.

Thank you for trying to help, but I was just saying that so you don’t ask if I that :slight_smile: the device is a brick . If I can’t change the time and date to start tor, and it’s not good that I can’t find luci, I do on my other GL routers. This is an expensive router I need to get it to work can I get direct support ? I reset firmware and tried again. How can I fix this?

Can I only do this with a sim card? Right now im only connecting to another router on wifi does the sim card help set the time and date?

hello and do you have resol the problem
i ask this becaus i whant to by mudi
but i see lot of problems here on the forum whit the mudi