Need help getting SMS to work

Currently, on the basis of 5G SA, there is no problem in not using our SMS function?

I don’t understand your question. There is a problem with 5G SA SMS. Can you confirm using 5G SA SMS?

I mean, if you’re on a 5G SA channel right now
Do not use our SMS feature
Sent by AT command. Can it be sent?


Yes I’m on 5G SA right now. I tried sending SMS with AT command with the help of @SpitzAX3000, see our posts above. Sending failed even while communicating directly with modem via minicom.

Receiving also doesn’t work. My main concern is receiving SMS.

sorry, I also want to confirm that this sim card also uses 5G SA band on your mobile phone
But it can send and receive text messages normally

I don’t have a Smartphone that has 5G SA, only NSA.
SMS works with NSA.

Can someone confirm/reproduce wether 5G SA SMS is working or not on this router/modem?

You have already found and shared a link for o2 users who are having the same issue! Isn’t it enough?! It seems that currently a device connected to 5G SA on o2 network cannot send or receive sms.

Your last resort is to try to send SMS via IMS mode while connected 5G SA. If this doesn’t work too then I would give up and wait till Quectel updates its modem firmware to support this.

They have issues because of the smartphone firmware, not because of the carrier.

Correct! I read the whole link you shared. And that’s what I am trying to say the issue is not with the carrier but with Quectel firmware!

If you update the modem module firmware listed in this thread you may get it working:

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I already have the latest firmware RM520NGLAAR03A03M4G_01.200.01.200 from GitHub - iamromulan/RM520N-GL: Quectel RM520N-GL Resources

Haven’t tried RM520NGLAAR03A02M4GA yet because I suspect it’s Alpha version

Try this RM520NGLAAR03A03M4G_01.201.01.201

Thanks, tried it now



I’ll report back to quectel


hello, I may also need you to let me know the result of this AT directive

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I’ve seen several posts regarding SMS and the Spitz AX router. I still do not understand why people are trying to send SMS from the Spitz AX? If you are using the same sim in your phone and then in the Spitz AX, put the sim card back in your phone to send/receive SMS.

I’ve used my Spitz AX in the US and in Germany. I have received SMS on the Sptiz AX in both locations, but do not need to send an SMS for the sim card to work.


Why is the “WHY” so important?

Something isn’t working properly, would be great if there is a solution for a problem. Also great if it isn’t your problem.


Thanks for the response. I am trying to understand why someone would want to send an SMS through their router? I still don’t have a clear answer as why to it’s necessary to send an SMS through the router? Am I missing something on this?

I know that’s it’s possible to check balances with an SMS code, but in order to access the web GUI of the router you have to be using a phone or computer to begin with?


I just checked the AT command manual and the CMS ERROR: 350 is not listed? That was from the 2024-02-07 version of the manual.