Network Storage : 256GB SSD shows as 29.74GB

Using the USB port on the x3000, i attached a blank SSD at 256GB
I formatted it as NTFS using mkfs.ntfs /dev/sda1 and rebooted the x3000
It detected a network storage as NTFS fs bur only see 29.74GB
sda1 (disk1_part1) USB Flash Drive NTFS 29.74 GB free of 29.81 GB

What am i missing here?
And which directory is this /dev/sda1 mounted?

Did the SSD format all 256GB?

Please try to plug-out and re-plug, to see if it shows correctly.
If not, please screenshot for the network storage and SSH execute this command:
df - h
post the result here.

plug out/in made it work

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