New features of Firmware 3.104, benefit against 3.103

As I have seen by chance, there is now the firmware version 3.104 for p.e. follow devices:

  • AR-300M*, as release
  • AR750, as testing
  • AR750s, as release

What are the differences in the functionality of the version 3.103 and the version 3.104?

Which features have been added, fixed or removed?

No change log exists between pre-release / testing versions.
But there’s a release notes file in the directory for changes in official release versions (at least for the AR300M there is).

The release notes identify the new version, but they do not reveal the history of the changes, nor what the version is called that it differs from. I also have the impression that it doesn’t name any features if any have been removed.

Contrary to “Release Note.txt” message “5. Added Tor function.” on GL.iNet download center , the firmware 3.1.04 seems not to support Tor anymore.

Results of short test of 3.1004 Firmware can found on: