New firmware version 4.7 being released for beta testing

Did you test here?

Compared against the previous Beta from 45 days ago or against the Stable version?

Please use the latest version try again, thanks.

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Here are the results.

Against 4.6.8 op21 and 4.6.6 op24.

Here is the same test on iPhone 14 connected to wifi to MT6000, running Beta 4.7 firmware dated 11-25-2024



Here is a test using AdGuard DNS on Asus AC68U router.

I was about to install the latest beta on Brume 2. Are others seeing performance speed issues (before I update) ?


I got a question :wink:

Did you do the tests from different devices ?

If the awnser is no, and the difference is really shown different between the two routers.

Then can you check what happens with hardware offloading and software firewall offloading disabled?

It is far sought, but maybe it bypasses some type of firewall configuration.

On the other hand if you tested with multiple devices i won't be surprised the browser in question uses secure dns, on windows i know it can be disabled but even if you have it on but selected to use system settings where in windows you have DOT or DOH off.

Browsers still prefer doh and can fallback on DoT too, this basicly bypasses the whole idea of custom resolvers even when dns hijacking, i fixed it by using a doh block list from banip and then blocking port 853 for DoT.

^ on most android phones this is standard on and i believe theres no option to disable it not in Brave browser, not sure about apple though.

Though im not running gl oem firmware, but it may be usefull to make a note of it with these sneaky things.

  • Make sure, that you use the same blocklists on both devices.
  • Then check that there are no adblock-plugins installed in the browser.
  • Ensure that the browser is using AdGuard as DNS Server

Otherwise you are comparing different things.

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Bothe devices; MacBook and Iphone are connected via wifi, to MT6000 and to AC68U routers. Not at the same time obviously.

Both routers use same Adguard DNS, you can check it in the settings.

I don't use browser plugins of any kind.

I don't use plugins or DNS on a webrowser/s, other wise there is no point to use AdGuard on a router in the first place.

I checked and rechecked. Both devices; Macbook and iPhone are connected to both routers via wifi. I only enabled AdGuard in the MT6000 router settings and nothing else. On AC68U I use AdGuard DNS, same DNS that MT6000 router uses.

My phone with WiFi flint 2 (beta 4.7).
All good!

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It seems your list of filters are empty after the fresh install...

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Filter list is default, the list is provide by firmware, in firmware GUI settings. I checked, its selected under advanced AdGuard settings.

I found the issue. For some reason, AdGuard is by passing wifi, but when connected to LAN via LAN cable to the router, AdGuard works.

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Does this mean that 4.7-op24 will use the MT SDK? I ask because there is a definite difference in WIFI speed between 4.7-beta now (based on 21.02 and MT SDK) and the op24 builds which I think are using the open source wifi driver.

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Try these filters:

# Phishing army

# Annoyances

# HaGeZi's Gambling

# HaGeZi's Pro++

# Threat Intelligence Feeds medium version

# 1Hosts (Lite)

# Perflyst and Dandelion Sprout's Smart-TV

3 Advices for the GUI

  1. Please let us edit the Word "Admin Panel" or make it to reflect the Devicename we already can edit in LuCi. If you use 2 or more devices to configure its easier to identify.

  2. Please add some more Colourschemes or a Shader (same reason above)
    It would be enough to change the Colour of the Top-Row. I would love Red for the Main-Router and Yellow/Greens for the Clientdevices.

  3. Let us "keybind" some functions on the tooglebutton and add a virtual tooglebutton to the Flint
    I would love to switch off VPN & Adguard f.e. with one editable switch. Keybinding more functions makes it more attractive (maybe under advanced user)

And THANK YOU very much, i use GL.inet Devices since 1 Year now with joy, having inbetween a Beryl, Slate2 and Flint2 and it is awesome-- waiting for the Slate 7. and hoping the Slate2 will get 4.7 soon.

Also the Respond-Time of my Request to remove the PoP-Up was phenomenal quick. Keep it Up. Also the Support in the Forum and Discord is unbeatable. Awesome Work, hopefully GoodCloud and AstroWarp will be adopted on a BigScale User-Base.


It would be great to toogle

Block NonVPN Traffic

with one switch in the GUI or even bind it to the switch for the Travelrouters

We took note of your request and thank you for your feedback!

So the 4.7.0 one is gonna be released in December with OpenWrt 24.10.0 RC ?