"No Internet Connection! Find a network to reconnect" message, but almost everything works

Probably the AP mode of MT6000 is satisfy, not only as you know the wireless devices
but also wired devices (include 2.5G port and 1G port), all are bridged with the LAN of ISP router, would not add new NAT.

When I set it to AP mode, the WAN port and the WAN/LAN1 port need to be on different networks, right?

Yes, you can install whatever you want. I explain the whole process step by step in the attached file.
Flint 2 Config.zip (271.6 KB)

the WAN and WANLAN1 are toggle to work as LAN mode when the network mode of the MT6000 is AP.

I tried AP mode, and to set it to AP mode, it required a connection on the WAN port. Upon starting, the IP for the WAN port was the one assigned by my DHCP, and the WAN/LAN1 port (and I assume the other Ethernet ports and WiFi, although I didn't check) had an IP from a subnet created by the Flint 2.

From what you're telling me, once the Flint 2 is in AP mode with different subnets on the WAN and WAN/LAN1 ports, you can somehow put the WAN/LAN1 ports (and the rest of the Ethernet ports) on the same subnet as the WAN port. In other words, you can make ALL devices get their IP from the DHCP on the ISP's router. Is that correct? Can you specify what that process would be?

Just to clarify, what I understand j70 was looking for, and certainly what I'm looking for (regardless of the mode used) is:

  • A single subnet for ALL devices.
  • Only one device connected to the internet, the ISP router.
  • ...so that the Flint 2 (GL-MT6000) can install plug-ins, update itself, and not show any errors from your GUI.

Thank you for your help.

Yes Javiker, that's what I wanted. Now I am using WAN and two subnets, one for the IPS router and another for Flint 2.

Hello, my router Indicated "No Service" I inserted a Tmobile sim card in but it stated no service.

What router model do you use? Please create a new thread for your issue.