Using a GL-X750 with the latest firmware and the glinet app on iOS.
I just can’t access my router remotely. Most of the times the app says, that I need to connect to the wifi (so it basically wants a local connection which isnt possible remotely). Then I see that I need to log in to goodcloud. After that, it shows all my clients online like I was home. So it somehow doesnt update the client list.
All in all, it’s a quite buggy experience. I don’t want to log in all the time, and I want the router info updated.
Sorry for the late reply. Did you mean that some clients are offline, but still shown online on goodcloud? There is something going wrong with the interaction between device and goodcloud.Please unzip the attached file and replace /usr/bin/gl_clients_update with it, and reboot the device.Thanks! (7.5 KB)
i’m using a mac.
is there a “simple way” to solve this? or does it end up in a hack job that turns me into the linux nerd i always wanted to be back in the days?
ok, done. it rebootet. the client names are still here.
now the glinet doesnt even show me a non-updated client list. i am logged in, but i get an error that i'm not logged in.
it only works when i'm local.
Sorry for not being sure what your reply meant. Is it working with the new version or is there a problem?Or is there a problem in certain application scenarios?