Noob: Establishing a VPN - First time

Could you recommend a good first time VPN service.
I’ve looked at a couple of services (Proton, Wireguard, OpenVPN) but I get confused on how they follow the rules of anonymity?
Each service seems to require an email address to start a service.
The email services that they accept require a cell phone number to send a code.
Doesn’t that violate anonymity? I tried using a free email address, such as and another free email service, but the VPN services don’t accept those.
Am I missing something?

Each service seems to require an email address to start a service.

Those ones do. AnonAddy can put a level of anonymity here but it’s just another step authorities could ultimately overcome. It’s great to keep spam & web site registrations under control, though.

Am I missing something?


That’d be related to a ‘no-logging’ policy… so whatever you do online isn’t recorded by them (or so they claim). They don’t log so there’s nothing to trace back to your public IP if the authorities come for your activity. It’s important they publish the results of credible, third party audits as anyone can make a mere claim. They can’t give the cops what they don’t have:

The email services that they accept require a cell phone number to send a code.

Yup; get a ‘burner’ if you really need it.

In as few words as possible: you want Mullvad.

Other options are:

Thank you so much for this reply.
No, I don’t NEED it, I am honestly just trying to learn as much as possible and being so new, I have inherent assumptions, such as anonymity. When something doesn’t seem correct, such as providing personal information such as a cell phone, it just made me want to ask. Cell phones are tied to social security numbers in the US. It just didn’t make sense was all.
Thank you again for this material. It is exactly what I need to read and understand. Thanks again.

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JFC, really? If they’re not government, they’re not getting that kind of data from me… & even then.

I once got a burner by going to Walmart just before close on a Sunday, when there was only one rep in Electronics & paid cash for a prepaid. No ID needed. I dumped it after I did what I needed to do. YMMV.

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