NordLynx2WireGuard output

I was able to create a docker container and run the script. This is the (redacted) output.

# Generated using Tomba's NordLynx2WireGuard Script
Address =
PrivateKey = xxxxPrivate=

Endpoint =
PublicKey = xxxxxxxPublic=
AllowedIPs =, ::/0
PersistentKeepalive = 25

Silly question. What do I do with it? It has to be installed on the gl.inet device as a WireGuard client?

Yes, paste that as the config in the GL.iNet Wireguard Client.

I do not work for and I do not have formal association with GL.iNet


Trying to get Wireguard config for my Nordvpn… Please give me the idiots guide to all steps needed to get this config. I am in IT… I have no script/docker experience… All I have is a Windows laptop.