Opal Dual WAN

Please help this has being doing my head in. I have followed the multiple instructions on this forum but cannot get the second wan to work once converted from a LAN port. The status goes green (online) for about a minute and then goes offline. Attached is a link to the ipconfig and screen shots. Any advice would be appreciated.


You’d be better off posting the screenshot right in the post itself. IDK about others but I have all Microsoft servers blacklisted, including OneDrive.

You can resize the image to an approp. % right while you’re posting.

Thanks very much for the response. Unfortunately as a new user I am restricted to the number of images I can post.

On a positive note I have it working, however, WANB doesn’t automatically kick in when I pull the Ethernet cable out of WAN. I seem to have to restart WANB in interfaces on Luci. The priority set is WAN 10, WANB 20, Tethering 30, WWAN 40.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

I’d love to help but I’ve never used Multi-WAN/failover. Apologies.